Being #5

The eye can't see the tailbone, spine, back's midpoint,

head's crown, nose, the face it inhabits,


or tongue's root, deep inside.

Yet we know those places exist. The mind makes maps—


some detailed, accurate, up to date;

others, long unused, owe more to hearsay


than honest exploration. Intricate symbols

mark deadly swamps, faded sketches tell


of hard-limbed, double-jointed beasts,

and though there’s much we’ve learned, we still find


many a white space, inaccessible, blank.

What does it take to break a habit, go


discover what’s there, unbury our bones?

What must we face to make the maps complete?


© Simon Brod, 2022


The movement signature


Goal-orientation, focus, and flow – what’s the difference?