Body-mind learning can change your mindset

Over the last decades an entrepreneurial mindset has come to be seen as desirable in business, corporate life, and for success in general. What is it that makes this mindset powerful, and how can body-mind learning help us acquire and train it?

In my work helping organizations to be more innovative I often discuss the entrepreneurial mindset. This is held up as the role model of the self-driven creative thinker and doer. For most people, this mindset is easier to describe than to actually inhabit. In my own case, it took me years to overcome my deep-seated fears and set up my own company. Experiencing and understanding the body-mind connection is fundamental to finding the kind of freedom signified by the term entrepreneurial mindset.

In the table below, the left column sets out three key character traits of the best entrepreneurs. The right column explains how we learn those traits in ATM (Awareness Through Movement) lessons. ATM is a core practice of the Feldenkrais Method, a body-mind learning practice. The lessons use small, slow, physical movements, performed with sensitive attention, to increase self-awareness and (re-)discover easier ways of moving. Many who experience ATM lessons also report changes in attitude - we feel at home in our self, we feel capable, we feel hopeful.

What changes in mindset have you experienced from practicing body-mind learning? How have they contributed in other areas of your life? Please leave a comment below.


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