Don’t just learn stuff, become a better learner!
Only by knowing how to make changes in our self—in how we act, think, or feel—can we make improvement a habit.
How your head affects movement
Holding our head efficiently is a complex puzzle. Physically, the head influences balance. And since we are visually-driven animals, we sometimes find our head, rather than our centre, leading movement.
How body-mind learning works
What does how we move have to do with the brain and central nervous system? And how do body-mind learning methods access the connection between body and mind?
How to grow your presence
The word 'presence' is often used in connection with mindfulness. What exactly do we mean by 'presence'? And how can we practice it?
The illusion of symmetry
Human beings look symmetrical at first glance, but we all have one-sided ways of using ourselves. Comparing how you use your left and right parts is a great starting point for increasing self-awareness and improving performance.
Relieving chronic pain
Many people live with chronic biomechanical pain. What causes such pain, and how can a process of self-discovery help relieve it?
How to give feedback that inspires
How can we give feedback that leaves a person feeling more confident and better equipped to make choices in their work or behaviour?
Learning the lower jaw
Whatever our lifestyle, we use our jaw a lot - for chewing and for speaking.
It is almost impossible to feel a sense of peace and joy when our jaw is tensed.
Bringing attention to how our jawbone moves can help with neck, chest and shoulder pains, and help us breathe easier.
Balance: skill or sense?
Balance is the ability to organize our self to carry out an activity with maximum ease and control. How can we improve our balance? And how does emotional balance relate to physical balance?
The movement signature
We often recognize a person we know when we see them in the distance – way too far to see their face clearly. Something about the way they move tells us with certainty who they are. How does our ‘movement signature’ come into being?
Goal-orientation, focus, and flow – what’s the difference?
Leaders ask us to focus on our goals. Goal-orientation gives a sense of urgency, direction, and shared purpose. But goal-orientation can be distracting. How might we learn to focus better on the task in hand?
Aspire to follow as well as to lead
Both following and leading are people focused. They require us to be aware of our self, our possibilities, and our impact on others. What skills are needed and how can we develop those?
6 strategies for improving at anything
Certain strategies are common to all learning. Being aware of them means we can spot and use learning opportunities.
Using the skeleton to simplify thinking
Focus on the skeleton helps brings clarity in how we talk about movement. It deflects us from making more effort than is needed. And it enables us to explore how we can organize our self as a whole.
The 3 steps to learn anything
The purpose of learning is to widen our range of choice in life. The act of learning is a process of changing the self. What are the steps of learning? And how do body-mind methods help?